Aging and SARS-CoV-2 infection are characterized by similar hyper-inflammatory states. (A) Dot plot showing increased BSG and ANPEP expression in major immune cell populations in the AH group compared to YH group. P values are based on two-tailed Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon tests between groups. (B) Expression levels of BSG and ANPEP in specific cell types in YH and AH groups. (C) Recapitulative graph of the MFI of CD147 expression in CD3+ T cells. MFI, mean fluorescence intensity. (D) Bar charts of the relative percentage of major immune cell populations derived from scRNA-seq data in YH, AH and ACR group (left), YCR and ACR group (right). (E) Venn diagram showing the integrated comparative analysis of upregulated DEGs in T cells between YH and AH group, YCR and YH group, ACR and AH group. The count shows the number of DEGs. (F) Venn diagram showing the integrated comparative analysis of upregulated DEGs in monocytes between AH and YH groups, YCR and YH groups, ACR and AH groups. The count shows the number of DEGs. (G) Volcano plot showing DEGs in T cells between YCR and ACR groups. P values were calculated using a paired, two-sided Wilcoxon test and FDR was corrected using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. (H) Volcano plot showing DEGs in monocytes between YCR and ACR groups. P values were calculated using a paired, two-sided Wilcoxon test and FDR was corrected using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. (I) Dot plot showing expression levels of the top 20 aging-induced and disease-associated genes in T cells per group in cohort-3. (J) Dot plot showing expression levels of the top 20 aging-induced and disease-associated genes in monocytes per group in cohort-3. (K) CT photography showing the different manifestation of evolution of Lung Ground-Glass Opacity in young and aged patients with COVID-19