At our institute, N-95 masks are reused unless they are visibly soiled. Each HCW is given a set of five N-95 masks that are numbered from 1 to 5 and HCWs are supposed to write their name and number over it. After the duty shift, HCWs are supposed to put it in sealable plastic cover and next day use the next mask. The masks are deposited at the designated place from where the infection control nurse (ICN) collects them for drying under the sun on two consecutive days for at least nine hours/day. The masks are issued to the same user only after the fifth day of submission. Each mask is used maximum for five times. Subsequently, the mask is disposed of appropriately. Single-use of the N-95 mask is recommended if it is contaminated with blood, respiratory or nasal secretions, or other bodily fluids from patients. It should be discarded following close contact with or exit from, the care area of any patient co-infected with an infectious disease requiring contact precautions, and if it is damaged or clogged. The rationale behind this is dry heat 70oC exposure for 60 minutes as an accepted method for decontaminating the N-95 masks. Further, it is documented that the COVID-19 virus does not survive on inanimate surfaces beyond a period of five days [20,21].