Pulmonary toxicity is reportedly a rare event with many targeted treatments. The incidence of lung toxicity with tyrosine kinase inhibitors is relatively low, although there is substantial variability in their occurrence with a reported range from 0.2-10.9% (139). However certain adverse side effects, such as pleural effusions associated with ABL inhibitors dasatinib or imatinib, interstitial lung disease associated with EGFR inhibitors erlotinib and gefitinib, or ALK inhibitors ceritinib or crizotinib, can occur but often reverse quickly with lowering the dose or terminating use (140). The timing of onset of toxicities following initial dosing needs to be considered for patients afflicted with cancer and other diseases, for whom therapy can be implemented for months, versus patients infected with a respiratory virus that require immediate treatment. Reported cases of adverse pulmonary effects for the listed kinase inhibitors are shown in Table 3.