Bosutinib (Bosulif) (Pfiizer) Food increases exposure; following 15 daily doses of bosutinib 500 mg with food: Cmax = 200 ng/mL; AUC = 3650 ng∙h/mL; compared to initial administration, plasma drug exposure did not increase significantly; following 15 daily doses 400 mg once daily: AUC =2235 ng*h/mL; Tmax=4 h; Has acceptable exposure; Vd= 6080 ± 1230 L; (substrate of ABCB1) Metabolized mainly by CYP3A4, which can increase AUC and Cmax 500 mg orally once daily (chronic myeloid leukmia (chronic and accelerated phases and blast crisis with resistance/intolerance to prior therapy)); 400 mg orally once daily (newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia (chronic phase)); 94% binding to human plasma proteins in vitro; 96% bound to human plasma proteins in healthy subjects ex vivo Pleural effusion is the main lung toxicity associated with bosutinib; 8% of patients in one study developed pleural effusions (207)