FIG 1 S-gene SplitsTree analysis. Shown is the spike (S) glycoprotein gene-based phylogenetic analysis (SplitsTree 4.0) of SAR-CoV-2 isolates (39 isolates). The SARS-CoV-2 isolates were analyzed with related CoVs from past human outbreaks and of animal origin, including MERS-CoV, bovine coronavirus, canine coronavirus, bat coronaviruses, bat-SL-SARS-CoV, and equine CoV. The analysis includes all five defined subgenera of Betacoronaviruses, namely, Sarbecovirus, Embecovirus, Merbecovirus, Nobecovirus, and Hibecovirus. The isolates in the gray area are from the current outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 from around the world. The nearest neighbors of SARS-CoV-2 are the bat-SL-CoV, encircled in yellow.