Due to the possible role played by farm and wild animals in SARS-CoV-2 infection, the WHO, in their novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation report, recommended the avoidance of unprotected contact with both farm and wild animals (25). The live-animal markets, like the one in Guangdong, China, provides a setting for animal coronaviruses to amplify and to be transmitted to new hosts, like humans (78). Such markets can be considered a critical place for the origin of novel zoonotic diseases and have enormous public health significance in the event of an outbreak. Bats are the reservoirs for several viruses; hence, the role of bats in the present outbreak cannot be ruled out (140). In a qualitative study conducted for evaluating the zoonotic risk factors among rural communities of southern China, the frequent human-animal interactions along with the low levels of environmental biosecurity were identified as significant risks for the emergence of zoonotic disease in local communities (141, 142).