A 63-year-old male without comorbidities presented with 1 week of dry cough, myalgias, and diarrhea. On examination, he was afebrile but appeared to be in distress, saturating at 89% on room air. Chest X-ray showed bilateral interstitial opacities. Initial laboratory tests revealed an elevated C-reactive protein of 24.49 mg/dL and a high interleukin-6 level of 58 pg/mL. Fibrinogen and D-dimer were also elevated to 708 mg/dL and 1.44 fibrinogen equivalent units, respectively. The platelet count and liver function tests were within normal limits. He was diagnosed with COVID-19 by nasopharyngeal reverse-transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction. Low-molecular-weight heparin was started for thromboprophylaxis. On day 2 of admission, he developed progressive worsening of dyspnea and was transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU).