Results of the search The search yielded 10,965 records after removing duplicates. The first selection resulted in 658 records that were potentially eligible for this review on signs and symptoms. After screening on title and abstract, we excluded 457 records, leaving 201 to be assessed on full text. Of these, we included 16 studies in this review. The reasons for excluding 185 records are listed in the PRISMA flow chart (see Figure 1; Moher 2009). 1 Flow diagram Two studies reported on the same cases while using a different control group (Chen X 2020; Yang 2020d). Chen X 2020 used a concurrent control group of pneumonia cases negative for SARS‐CoV‐2 on PCR testing but Yang 2020d used a historic control group of influenza pneumonia patients. For this reason we only included the Chen X 2020 results in the analyses. One study reported a study that included a derivation and validation part for the development of a prediction rule (Song 2020b). The two parts are identical in set‐up and only differ in respect to the time of data collection, that is, the derivation part recruited participants up to 5 February 2020 and the validation part recruited participants from 6 February 2020 onwards. As a result, we consider this to be one study and have entered all data on signs and symptoms as such. Four studies were conducted in the USA, all other studies were from China. A summary of the main study characteristics can be found in Table 3. 2 Summary of study characteristics Study ID Target condition Sample size Prevalence Setting Population Design Reference standard Ai 2020a COVID‐19 pneumonia 53 38% Hospital inpatientsa Patients hospitalised with pneumonia diagnosed by imaging Cross‐sectional PCR on nasopharyngeal swabs Chen X 2020 COVID‐19 pneumonia 136 Not applicable Hospital inpatientsa Patients admitted with pneumonia Cases selected cross‐sectionally in 5 hospitals, non‐cases from 1 hospital only PCR, samples not specified Cheng 2020a COVID‐19 pneumonia 33 33% Hospital outpatients Patients presenting to a fever observation department with pneumonia Cross‐sectional PCR on throat swabs Feng 2020a COVID‐19 pneumonia 132 5% Emergency department Patients presenting to fever clinic of emergency department Cross‐sectional PCR on throat swabs Liang 2020 COVID‐19 pneumonia 88 24% Hospital outpatients Patients with pneumonia and presenting to fever clinic Cross‐sectional PCR, sample not specified; conducted after panel discussion Nobel 2020 COVID‐19 disease 516 Not applicable Hospital outpatients Patients who underwent SARS‐CoV‐2 testing with intent to hospitalise or in essential personnel Case‐control PCR on nasopharyngeal swabs Peng 2020a COVID‐19 disease 86 13% Hospital outpatients Patients clinically suspected and referred for testing Cross‐sectional PCR on nasopharyngeal swabs Rentsch 2020 COVID‐19 disease 3789 15% Unclear Patients tested for SARS‐CoV‐2 in the Veterans Affairs Cohort born between 1945 and 1965 Cross‐sectional PCR on nasopharyngeal swabs Song 2020b COVID‐19 disease 399 7% Hospital outpatients Patients tested for SARS‐CoV‐2 Cross‐sectional PCR on sputum samples Sun 2020a COVID‐19 disease 788 7% Hospital outpatients Patients presenting to testing centre, either self‐referred, referred from primary care or at‐risk cases identified by national contact tracing Cross‐sectional PCR on sputum, endotracheal aspirate, nasopharyngeal swabs or throat swabs Tolia 2020 COVID‐19 disease 283 10% Emergency department Patients presenting with symptoms, travel history, risk factors or healthcare workers Cross‐sectional PCR on nasopharyngeal swabs Wee 2020 COVID‐19 disease 870 18% Emergency department Patients presenting with respiratory symptoms or travel history Cross‐sectional PCR on oropharyngeal swabs Yan 2020a COVID‐19 disease 262 23% Hospital outpatient Patients presenting hospital for SARS‐CoV‐2 testing, not otherwise specified Internet survey after presentation PCR, samples not specified Yang 2020d COVID‐19 pneumonia 121 Not applicable Hospital inpatientsa Patient with pneumonia from SARS‐CoV‐2 and patients with pneumonia from influenza in 2015‐2019 Case‐control PCR, samples not specified Zhao 2020a COVID‐19 pneumonia 34 Not applicable Hospital inpatientsa Patients with pneumonia and admitted to hospital Case‐control PCR on throat or sputum swabs Zhu 2020b COVID‐19 disease 116 28% Emergency department Patients suspected of SARS‐CoV‐2 and presenting to the emergency department Cross‐sectional PCR, samples not specified PCR: polymerase chain reaction; SARS‐CoV‐2: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 a'Hospital inpatients' refers to studies that recruited patients admitted to hospital with COVID‐19 disease and in whom the signs and symptoms were assessed on admission.