Facility cases: positive RT‐PCR via nasopharyngeal swabFacility controls: negative RT‐PCR via nasopharyngeal swab (1x)Country: ChinaDates: 23 January 2020‐16 February 2020Symptoms and severity: fever, cough, dyspnoea, sore throat, fatigue, systemic soreness, runny noseDemographics: M/F: total 39/47, cases: 5/6, controls 34/40Case group: mean age 40.73 ± 11.32 years, 5 men. Control group: mean age 39.67 ± 13.90 years, 34 menExposure history: 7/11 COVID‐19 patients (63.6%) had a history of travel to Hubei (5 Wuhan, 1 Huanggang, 1 Xiaogan), 2 patients had close contact with the COVID‐19 patients, and 2 taxi drivers