GO can be also used as a platform to link antiviral agents. Encouraging results were reported using GO with hypericin for the treatment of a recently appeared duck reovirus.81 More recently, Deokar et al. reported an original rGO-based multifunctional platform for HSV-1 treatment.82 In this work, the authors functionalized the material with organic sulfate groups and iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (FeNPs). The rGO functionalized with the sulfate is able to mimic the host cell surface and to bind HSV-1. Subsequently, the viral particles captured onto the rGO-FeNP surface can be concentrated via magnetic precipitation and destroyed via photothermal therapy. This approach is highly efficient for disinfection with low energy (1.6 W/cm2 for 7 min) and cost effectiveness. HS is a common entry receptor in various types of viruses (e.g., herpes viruses, human papillomavirus, Dengue virus).83 The use of organic sulfate-functionalized graphene sheets mimicking HS, like GO and rGO, has been already explored. However, it is worth noting that these NMs are prone to strongly adsorb proteins in culture environments (coronation), likely inhibiting their antiviral efficacy.84 High loadings of sulfate groups were introduced onto rGO using polyglycerol sulfate.85,86 This approach has been used for inhibition of orthopoxvirus, pseudorabies virus, and African swine fever virus in vitro.85,86