Acknowledgements The work performed in NUS/NUHS was supported by NUHS Research Office under Project Number NUHSRO/2020/033/RO5+5/CORONAVIRUS/LOA (WBS R-571-000-071-733). The work performed in IMCB and BII was also supported by A*STAR through intramural funding and an A*CRUSE gap funding (ACCL/19-GAP064-R20H-F). Conflict of interest: WJH and YJT declare that they are involved in the licensing of mAbs 1A9, 1G10, 4B12 and 2B2 to commercial companies as research or diagnostic reagents. The other authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Authors’ contributions: Zheng Z – Designed experiments, performed experiments, analysed and organised data, wrote the manuscript. Monteil, VM - Designed experiments, performed experiments, analysed and organised data, wrote the manuscript. Maurer-Stroh, S - Designed experiments, performed experiments, analysed and organised data, wrote the manuscript. Yew CW - Designed experiments, performed experiments. Leong C - Designed experiments, performed experiments. Mohd-Ismail NK - Designed experiments, performed experiments, analysed and organised data, wrote the manuscript. Cheyyatraivendran Arularasu S - Designed experiments, performed experiments. Chow VTK – Analysed and organised data. Lin RTP – Analysed and organised data. Mirazimi A– Designed experiments, performed experiments, analysed and organised data, wrote the manuscript. Hong WJ- Analysed and organised data. Tan YJ- Designed experiments, performed experiments, analysed and organised data, wrote the manuscript. Supplementary Data Supplementary Table 1 Click here for additional data file. Supplementary Data Supplementary Table 2 Click here for additional data file.