Use case shows results for a query of Ins1 in the Tabula Muris study. (A) Violin Plot section shows that pancreatic beta cells express Ins1 at the highest level among 148 annotated cell types from 18 tissues. Summary statistics for each row indicate the percent of cells within a given cluster expressing Ins1, the mean expression of Ins1 in that cluster, and a metric of expression specificity (Cohen’s D) to each cluster. On the left side of the table, ‘Signals’ columns highlight literature-derived associations between Ins1 and the tissue (‘pancreas’) or cell type (e.g. ‘pancreatic beta cells’). (B) Dimensionality reduction-based visualization of all ~100,600 cells from Tabula Muris. Left-sided plot colors cells (points) based on Ins1 expression in the individual cell; right-sided plot colors cells based on a selected metadata variable (here, tissue of origin). (C) List of cluster-defining genes for a selected cell population - by default, any cell population which highly expresses the query gene. Here, cluster-defining genes for pancreatic beta cells include Ins1, Ins2, and Iapp. Blue box highlights functionality to triangulate such cluster-defining gene lists with any literature query of interest.