The SA 9-O-acetylation in hosts allows hosts to evade influenza A virus hemagglutinin (HA) recognition and some lectins of factor H (FH), CD22/Siglec-2 and sialoadhesin/Siglec-1. Instead, the influenza C virus HA recognizes the hosts. β-elimination and permethylation eliminate the 9-O-acetyl group from SAs. Chemical modification of the C-9 position of Neu5,9Ac2 generates a 9-N-acetyl analog, 9-acetamido-9-deoxy-N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac9NAc), a mimic of Neu5,9Ac2 with influenza C virus-binding capacity, which is not cleaved by the HE [42]. SA O-acetylesterase regulates the presence of 7,9-O-Ac and 9-O-Ac. SA O-acetylation and deacetylation are involved in development, cancer and immunology. SA O-acetylation alters host lectin bindings such as siglecs [29]. The presence of 9-O-Ac can also reduce the activity of NAs [43]. SA modifications regulate pathogen binding or pathogen NAs. Influenza A/B/C/D viruses use SA as their entry receptors. Influenza A and B subtypes bind to SAs via HA and NA to allow endocytosis of the virus and fusion of the viral envelope with endosomes. In contrast, influenza C and D subtypes bear only one coated glycoprotein, termed the HE fusion protein (HEF). The HEF acts as the HA and NA. HEF recognizes 9-O-acetyl SA for entry into cells, while the esterase domain removes 9-O-acetyl-groups and liberates the virus from mucus and mis-assembled virus aggregates after budding. The 9-O-Ac on cells prevents the NA activity and HA binding of the influenza A type virus [44].