3.1. Spike (S) Transmembrane Glycoprotein In RNA viruses, the S glycoprotein (PDB: 6VSB) is the biggest protein, heavily glycosylated and its N-terminal domain (NTD) sequence binds to the host receptor to enter the ER of host cells. SARS-CoV-2 S-glycoprotein bears 22 N-glycan sequons in each protomer. Therefore, the trimeric S glycoprotein surface is dominated by 66 N-glycans. The S glycoprotein mediates direct and indirect interaction of virus with host cells in the infection cycle. All CoVs exhibit a surface S glycoprotein, which bears the receptor-binding domain (RBD). The S glycoprotein has a distinct spike structure. When S glycoprotein binds to its host receptor, a host furin-like protease cleaves the S glycoprotein, which liberates the spike fusion peptides, allowing entry of the virus into the host cell [18]. The furin-like protease-generated S1 and S2 exist as a S1/S2 complex, where S1 in a homotrimeric form interacts with the host cell membrane and S2 penetrates the cytosolic area. For SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, the S1 C-terminal domains (CTDs) have a dual role in virus entry via attachment and fusion. The S1 NTD binds to carbohydrate receptors because the S1 domains act as the RBD. The CTD of S1 recognizes protein receptors via RBDs.