To conclude, we found no significantly increased prevalence of COVID-19 in CML patients. Only one patient (0.7%) reported to be tested positive and has been admitted to the hospital. These findings are important for CML patients and professionals (prescribers of TKI) as almost 40% of patients reported to be substantially concerned about the coronavirus. The prevalence rate is in line with the reported 0.3% in the general Dutch population [3], and with the reported low prevalence of <1% SARS-CoV2 viral infections in CML patients in the study of Li et al. We included a representative control cohort of housemates of similar age and geographical spreading as the patients, of whom none were tested positive (0%). Similar to Li et al. (0.9% vs 0.1%), we did find a slightly higher percentage of infected patients than in the general population (0.7% vs 0.3%) based on PCR testing on clinical indication, but this is not statistically significant. Other studies focusing primarily on COVID-19 infection prevalence in CML population are lacking.