Table 2 Information on preventive measures, symptoms and hospital admissions related to COVID-19 in CML patients at inclusion. Patients (N = 148) Housemates (N = 124) % (n) % (n) Visited affected areaa 3.4 (5) 4.1 (5) Preventive measuresb   None 0 N/A   Avoid shaking hands 85.1 (126) N/A   Clean hands often 84.5 (125) N/A   Use of face mask 2.7 (4) N/A   Working from home, just as same-function colleagues 31.8 (47) N/A   Working from home, in contrary to same-function colleagues 6.8 (10) N/A   Self-isolation 41.2 (61) N/A   Other 14.9 (22) N/A Symptomsb   Rhinitis 16.9 (25) 8.9 (11)   Coughing 14.2 (21) 6.5 (8)   Sore throat 4.1 (6) 2.4 (3)   Dyspnoea 10.8 (16) 2.4 (3)   Fever 0 (0) 0 (0)   No symptoms 69.6 (103) 84.6 (104) SARS-CoV2 testing   Tested, positive 0.7 (1) 0.0   Tested, negative 0.7 (1) 0.0   Not tested 98.0 (145) 100 (123)   Unknown 0.7 (1) 0 Hospital admissionc 0.7 (1) 0.0 (0)   Intensive Care Unit admission 0.0 (0) 0.0 (0) Lives with adult housemate 85.9 (128) – N = 131 N = 106 % (n) % (n) Vaccines  Annual influenza vaccination   Yes 58.0 (76) 35.8 (38)   No 42.0 (55) 64.1 (68)  If available, would take corona vaccine    Yes 76.3 (100) 68.9 (73)    No 3.8 (5) 0.9 (1)    Do not know 19.8 (26) 30.2 (32) aAffected areas with high risk of COVID-19 as established by National Institute for Public Health and the Environment: Italy, Austria, Nordrhein Westfalen (Germany), Madrid (Spain), China, South Korea, Iran. bMultiple answers possible. cHospital/ICU admission because of the following symptoms: coughing, dyspnoea and/or fever.