The efforts to strengthen PHC network in India apparently received a boost after Alma Ata conference on primary health care in 1978 and then with the release of India’s first National Health Policy in 1983 [14, 21]. A major initiative to further strengthen & make rural PHC system functional, started in April 2005, with the launch of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in India [22] soon after the second national health policy in 2002 [23]. The urban component as National Urban Health Mission was launched in May 2013 [24]. Two missions together were, thereafter, renamed as National Health Mission (NHM) [22–24]. The NRHM/NHM has focused on PHC system strengthening to make it functional to deliver services. NRHM/NHM had a few strategies to strengthen health systems and PHC services: decentralized health planning; communization (community processes, behavior change communication and addressing social determinants of health); social protection function of public health services; partnership for NGOs and civil society; human resource strengthening; flexible funding for states, public health management and many others [22, 25].