Sixth, ‘continuum of care’ through coordination between two arms of ABP will contribute to effective utilization. Establishing a functioning referral linkage between HWCs/PHCs and from secondary and tertiary care services including AB-PMJAY should be focus for policy design and implementation. A good coordination between AB-PMJAY and AB-HWCs is not only imperative for streamlining access to care but will be pivotal in providing timely and quality care to the target beneficiaries. A few indicative approaches for ‘continuity of care’ could be: one, common process for registration of patients at AB-HWCs as well as for AB-PMJAY, through common health identifier with community linkage and registration; two, awareness generation for beneficiaries at grassroot level. Three, the training curriculum of Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) and other field workers should include a module on AB-HWCs and services and provisions under AB-PMJAY. For a forward referral, AB-HWC can become source of information for AB-PMJAY beneficiaries; fourth, develop effective and two-way referral and inclusion of some outpatient components in AB-PMJAY benefit package and fifth, AB-PMJAY and AB-HWCs to analyse disease and population health risks and trends. The service delivery approach should be beyond referral and the PHC systems need to facilitate the care seeking by proactively seeking appointments for patient going to next level of facilities. Once the treatment plan is prepared at next level of facility, the referral back to PHC level should also be ensured for continuity of treatment and required follow up. This could prove extremely essential and important in context of NCD (including diabetes, hypertension) services.