Fifth, the entire process should be guided by use of evidence to scale up interventions and services. A recently published study reported a few common characteristics of better functioning government facilities in India, which included (a) an assured package health services with ‘limited intention to availability gap’; (b) Appropriate mix & sufficient availability of providers; (c) continuum of care with functional referral linkages; (d) initiatives to achieve quality standard; & (e) community engagement [46]. There is similar evidence from countries such as Brazil; Ghana and South Africa [47–49]. Mohalla Clinics of Delhi and Basthi Dawakhana of Telangana, are empirical evidence that people start attending the government facilities if the facilities are made functional and the services are available in an assured manner, people prefer PHC over complicated and overpowering large hospitals. These initiatives have become popular amongst people and brought poor, marginalized, women and children to government health care system [50–52].