A 77-year old male without significant medical history was evaluated in our emergency department (ED) with complaints of general weakness, fever and dyspnoea. Initial chest CT showed extensive bilateral areas of ground-glass opacity with both central and peripheral distribution, patchy subpleural non-dependant consolidations and areas with subpleural sparing (Fig. 1-1A). Soon after admission patient was in need of mechanical ventilatory support and developed acute renal failure for which renal replacement therapy was initiated. After six days of mechanical ventilation chest CT-angiography showed pulmonary emboli along with new areas of ground-glass opacity and progression of dens subpleural consolidations with air-bronchograms (Fig. 1-1B). A nosocomial infection was ruled out by bronchial culture. Patient's neurologic status deteriorated and CT head revealed brain ischemia due to infarction of the area supplied by the left and right posterior cerebral artery. The patient died 12 days after admission.