Case Sex (M/F) Age, years Ethnicity BMI, kg/m2 Comorbidity Symptoms at presentation Immunosuppression management Respiratory support ICU admission 1 M 67 Caucasian 27.8 History of renal tumour Fever, cough, dyspnoea CNIs alone NIMV No No change 2 M 78 Caucasian 23.1 History of PTLD Fever, cough, dyspnoea CNIs alone NIMV No CV disease No change Diabetes CKD 3 M 75 Caucasian 25.1 Active tumour: HCC recurrence Dyspnoea, CNIs alone NIMV No CV disease Fatigue/myalgia No change Arterial hypertension 4 M 55 Caucasian 21.6 – Fever, dyspnoea CNIs+steroids NIMV No Only CNIs discontinuation 5 M 70 Caucasian 28.5 Active tumour: HCC recurrence Fever, dyspnoea CNIs+steroids IMV Yes Arterial hypertension Only CNIs discontinuation 6 M 66 Caucasian 23.8 Active tumour: PTLD Fever, cough, fatigue/myalgia, GI symptoms Steroids IMV Yes Arterial hypertension No change 7 F 79 Caucasian 21.3 CV disease Fever, dyspnoea, fatigue/myalgia MMF alone NC No Diabetes Arterial hypertension CKD