In China, for example, CO2 emissions were reduced by 25% and by 6% worldwide according to (Hanaoka and Masui, 2020). In (Dutheil et al., 2020), an initial comparative analysis was made of the number of deaths from COVID-19 and the number of annual air quality deaths with respect to nitrogen dioxide NO2 emissions. This analysis was based on data obtained by satellite (NASA, 2020) showing the advantages that the isolation of the population in their homes has had due to the emergency by the shutdown of industries and vehicle mobility (Tan et al., 2009). The same information from NASA, plus information taken from ESA, was used in (Muhammad et al., 2020) to perform a compilation of satellite environmental data before and after coronavirus. The figures in this paper show the temporary environmental benefit as a major positive impact and as a learning model for governments to enable new socio-environmental policies. This last analysis was done for Europe, China and North America. Likewise, in (Mollalo et al., 2020) models are made of the type of spatial dependence and weighted regression of 35 variables from the environmental to the socioeconomic ones related to the incidence of the disease in the first 90 days of the outbreak in the United States. These results, according to Mollalo, will serve as a basis for future geographic modeling of any disease, as well as for policy with targeted, science-based interventions that can be extrapolated to other cities and countries around the world. Finally, Ogen’s research has found a direct relationship between contamination and mortality caused by the coronavirus. The study concludes that 78% of the 4443 deaths recorded on a single day in Europe (19 march) occurred in five specific, highly contaminated areas: four regions of northern Italy and Madrid. These results indicate that long-term exposure to particulate pollutants may be a major contributor to coronavirus mortality, not only in these regions, but in the rest of the world (Ogen, 2020).