Conclusion The use of clinical information is important because it contributes to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients. Clinical information is valuable when it is provided at a right time, right place, and right individual. In crisis such as the Covid-19, update of physicians' clinical information is difficult. Conventional EBM procedures that occur in normal conditions in hospitals are not possible. Therefore, IT-based methods and intelligent information systems should be used. The proposed system has various benefits such as speeding up clinical information sharing and reducing the gap between the production of clinical information and its use, using the collective wisdom of clinical practitioners around the world in decision-making, sharing guidelines and therapeutic protocols. Also, utilizing new information technologies capabilities to access and share clinical information, the possibility of simultaneously questioning between clinical professionals are other advantages this system. In addition. revise journals and evidence-based databases to equip clients with access to clinical information, increasing cooperation and scientific exchanges between countries, and quick-decision making by physicians in diagnosis and treatmentare other beneifits of this system. Financial support and sponsorship Nil. Conflicts of interest There are no conflicts of interest.