Signaling Changes in Host Cells in Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infection (A) Clusters of significantly changing PHs (abs(log2FC) > 1 and adjusted p < 0.05) across the time course of infection with non-redundant enriched Reactome pathway terms (adjusted p value [q] < 0.01) for each cluster. Horizontal red lines below each pathway term correspond to phosphorylated proteins belonging to the pathway, and a black-bordered rectangle is indicative of a significantly enriched term. (B) Kinases depicting a strong change in activity upon infection (abs(log10(p)) > 2.5) in at least one time point, with predicted activity in at least 5 of 6 time points. (C) Schematic representation of interaction between host kinases and SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins from Gordon et al. (2020). Substrate PHs for each kinase are color-coded as blue (down) and red (up) based on the direction of change during infection. Only PHs corresponding to the kinase activity direction are shown. (D) Correlation of kinase activity profiles of each time point with other biological conditions with at least one significantly changing kinase (abs(log10(p)) > 2.5) and having significant correlation with at least one time-point (false discovery rate [FDR] < 5%). (E) Overall phosphorylation change (−log10(p)) of a protein complex, estimated as the change in phosphorylation on member proteins. Only non-redundant protein complexes with a significant change in phosphorylation (abs(log10(p)) > 2.5) in at least one time point are shown. See also Figure S2.