Orthologous pairs of gene identifiers between C.sabaeus and H.sapiens were downloaded from Ensembl using the BioMart web interface (http://uswest.ensembl.org/biomart/martview/6c48d59058381e6b2b198a1f91ba5e50) on April 6, 2020. Ensembl gene identifiers were mapped to UniProt identifiers and protein sequences using a table of ID mappings and reference proteome sequences for H.sapiens downloaded from Uniprot on April 6, 2020. Orthologous pairs of sequences were aligned using the Needleman-Wunsch global alignment algorithm implemented in the R package Biostrings (v. 2.52) function pairwiseAlignment with default parameters. The resulting alignments were used to convert the sequence positions of detected phosphorylations in C.sabaeus to positions in H.sapiens protein sequences.