Although Peng et al. [1] did not provide detailed information about the specific diseases of the 119 surgical patients, evaluating ground glass opacities (GGOs) seen on chest computed tomography (CT) scans has become an important part of clinical practice of some, perhaps many, thoracic surgery teams in China. Numerous studies have proved that the incidence of lung adenocarcinoma presented as GGO on CT is increasing recently. Some clinical features and biological behaviours of this kind of tumour are different from the traditional lung adenocarcinoma presented as solid nodules on imaging. For example, studies showed that GGO-like lung adenocarcinoma is more common in Asian and young females than in the traditional high-risk population of lung cancer, such as senior males and smokers [7–9]. Different from conventional solid lung adenocarcinomas, this special type of lung adenocarcinoma, which emerged 20 years ago, exhibits indolent growth as its most obvious feature [10]. Moreover, the pure GGO lung adenocarcinoma as screened by low-dose CT in asymptomatic population grows even more slowly. In the 8th edition tumor-node-metastasis staging system, it is classified as c0 stage. For semi-solid GGO, T is calculated based on the diameter of the solid component of the tumour [11]. In addition, data support the conclusion that the GGO component is a favourable prognostic factor for lung adenocarcinoma [8, 9]. Coincidentally, the early imaging manifestation of COVID-19 is also predominantly ground glass shadow [1]. Although there are some distinguishing features with GGO-like lung adenocarcinoma, it is still necessary to attach great importance to possible misdiagnosis. In view of the indolence and relatively good prognosis of GGO-like lung adenocarcinoma, in the current environment of COVID-19 pandemic, we call for the cessation of all thoracic surgeries for GGO-like lung adenocarcinoma with a diameter of ˂30 mm during the COVID-19 pandemic [12]. Of course, GGO-like lung adenocarcinoma should also be differentiated from other benign diseases, to avoid the risk of infection caused by unnecessary surgery, such as ground-glass shadow caused by haemoptysis in the lung, radiation induced pneumonia, exogenous lipid pneumonia and immunotherapy-related pneumonitis.