The World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 a global health concern and pandemic. Because the economic development, medical resources and clinical practice of different regions are not the same, ‘universal precaution’ could have a different context while the concept remains the same. This point is important, thus we suggest that all patients who come to the hospital for surgery be treated under the ‘universal precaution’ principle on the premise of enough supplies, particularly in the centre of the epidemic. Studies also show that many asymptomatic patients are infectious, and their infectivity is no less than that of symptomatic patients [5]. In addition, there is the possibility for sudden acceleration of infection. Therefore, a simple inquiry about fever, cough and shortness of breath in the past 2 weeks and any history of recent wildlife contact cannot help us identify problematic patients [6]. It is more reasonable to use universal precaution for COVID-19 screening of every new patient.