Four modules (I–IV) of biological interest were circled and expanded for better visual clarity. (I) Module with hub PS 34:1 connected to numerous PEs by teal lines, indicating PS-PE positive correlations in healthy controls were lost in mild COVID-19. (II) Module with hub BMP 38:5(18:1/20:4) connected to CEs by blue lines, indicating BMP-CE correlations became negative in mild COVID-19. (III) Module with GM3 d18:0/25:0 as hub connected to several PSs by blue and purple lines, indicating GM3-PS correlations became negative in mild COVID-19. (IV) Module with LysoPC 16:1 as the hub connected to numerous PUFA-PEs by blue lines, indicating lysoPC-PUFA-PE correlations changed from positive in healthy controls to negative in mild COVID-19.