The very first case—and the only one from Wuhan—refers to a woman who 4 days after returning to Shanghai from Wuhan presented with acute lower extremity weakness and areflexia that progressed over 3 days to the arms without any systemic symptoms.7 When first seen, GBS was suspected and confirmed by elevated CSF protein and electromyographic features of demyelinating neuropathy. Her laboratory test results were normal, except of lymphocytopenia and thrombocytopenia. She was started on intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) but 4 days later developed fever, cough, and pneumonia and tested COVID-19 positive. After 3 weeks, her strength normalized and lymphocytopenia resolved. While at the regular neurology ward, however, 2 of her relatives taking care of her tested COVID-19 positive with pneumonia, while 2 of her neurologists and 6 nurses treating her GBS were put on isolation.