What is more to come with myositis in the offing Among the other potential COVID-19–associated autoimmune diseases, the first alarming concern is inflammatory myopathy, especially necrotizing autoimmune myositis (NAM) because very high CK levels >10,000 with myalgia and weakness are now reported in more than 10% of COVID-19–infected patients.6 Although COVID-19–associated myopathy has not yet been studied but only characterized as skeletal muscle injury or rhabdomyolysis,6 2 just published cases suggest an autoimmune COVID-19–triggered NAM. One, an 88-year-old man from New York presented with acute bilateral thigh weakness and inability to get up from the toilet, without fever or other systemic symptoms, and very high CK level (13,581 U/L).20 He was found COVID-19 positive and given hydroxychloroquine, and a week later, his painful weakness improved with CK reduction. The other, a 60-year-old man from Wuhan had a 6-day history of fever, cough, and COVID-19–positive pneumonia with normal strength and CK; 7 days later, although systemically had improved, his CRP doubled and developed painful muscle weakness with very high CK (11,842 U/L).21 He was given IVIg and his strength improved while became COVID-19 negative. Myopathic symptoms in a severe systemic viral disease are multifactorial, but an acute onset of severe muscle weakness with increased inflammatory markers and very high CK levels in the thousands, as described above, is consistent with autoimmune inflammatory myopathy within the spectrum of NAM, similar to what was first reported with HIV early in that epidemic.22,23 The most common causes of NAM are not chronic statin use as overstated, but autoimmune, paraneoplastic, or postviral.22–25 Considering that very high CK level and painful muscle weakness were seen in 10% of COVID-19–positive patients,6 a potentially treatable autoimmune myopathy has been likely overlooked. Studies with muscle biopsy and antibody screening are urgently needed in such patients because therapy with IVIg can improve strength, reduce morbidity, and facilitate recovery, as reported in the first 2 cases.20,21 COVID-19–associated myositis is also highly interesting because ACE-2, the SARS-CoV receptor, is reportedly expressed in skeletal muscle.26 If this is confirmed, COVID-19 may represent the first virus directly capable of infecting muscle fibers. None of the viruses implicated in viral-triggered myositis has so far been shown to infect muscle27,28; instead, viruses induce an immune T cell with clonal expansion of viral-specific T cells or macrophage-mediated, muscle fiber autoinvasion with abundant proinflammatory cytokines.22,29,30