Factor IAPA CAPA Host/Risk 57% EORTC/MSGERC host factor negative [9] 85% EORTC/MSGERC host factor negative [59, 60] IAPA associated with corticosteroid use [7] IPA developed in SARS-2003-infected patients receiving corticosteroids [61] Lymphopenia and chemokine-producing monocyte-derived FCN1 + macrophages causing hyperinflammation [62] Virus Cell entry through sialic acids-2,6Gal: epithelial layer in lung including larger airways [63] Cell entry through ACE2: type 2 pneumocytes and ciliated cells [64] Immune modulation by suppression of the NADPH oxidase complex [65] No evidence for immunomodulatory effect on known antifungal host defense mechanisms, although this has not been extensively studied yet Fungal infection Invasive Aspergillus tracheobronchitis in up to 55% of patients [7–9] Invasive Aspergillus tracheobronchitis not yet reported [59, 60] Median time between ICU admission and IAPA diagnosis 2–3 days [7–9] Median time between ICU admission and CAPA diagnosis 6 days [59] Aspergillus diagnostics BAL GM positive in > 88% [7–9] BAL GM commonly positive, diagnostic performance currently unknown [59, 60] Serum GM positive in 65% [7–9] Serum GM positive in 3 of 14 (21%) COVID-19 patients [59, 60] Secondary infections In 80 of 342 (23.4%) ICU patients, most frequent pathogens S. pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and S. aureus [66] In four of 13 (31%) ICU patients, pathogens not specified [67] ICU mortality 45% in IAPA compared with 20% in influenza without IAPA (p < 0.0001) [9] 33% in CAPA cases compared with 17% in COVID-19 without CAPA (p = 0.4) [59] (although mortality rates due to COVID-19 without CAPA vary enormous between countries and we have no clear data yet on the true mortality in ICU of COVID-19)