In settings with high IAPA rates in ICU patients with influenza pneumonia, an antifungal prophylaxis strategy might be appropriate, particularly as IAPA typically occurs early after ICU admission. However, there is currently no mold-active antifungal agent licensed for prophylaxis of IA in ICU patients. Posaconazole (POS) prophylaxis reduces the prevalence of IA in neutropenic AML patients and those with graft-versus-host disease following alloHCT [2, 3]. Based on this proof-of-principle, it has been hypothesized that POS prophylaxis can reduce IAPA prevalence in ICU patients. Intravenous (IV) administration of POS prophylaxis in the ICU is favored in patients on mechanical ventilation or with a high likelihood of malabsorption of oral formulations. POS IV formulation should be administered through a central catheter due to its acidity (pH 3.2) [42].