We extracted 1683 (PubMed), and 56400 (Google scholar) researches using the keyword COVID-19. A combination of keywords coronavirus and pathological findings gave 1139 PubMed, and 22300 google scholar articles, and COVID-19 and treatment gave 385 PubMed articles. COVID-19 and management gave 167 published research papers. COVID19 and antivirals gave thirty-five PubMed articles. Lastly, COVID-19 and passive immunization yielded 287 results. Out of these results, a total of forty articles relevant to our topic were selected. After applying the inclusion-exclusion criteria and removing the duplications, we finally got twenty-nine papers that were reviewed. Among the selected papers, there were no clinical trials, most of the relevant papers were case reports which showed the clinical features and the effects of tried medical interventions. Some of them were simple recommendations and guidelines about how the patient should be managed. Three of these studies showed that a combination of lopinavir/Ritonavir combination was effective in decreasing viral load. Five studies argued that convalescent plasma showed promising results but most of these studies were not of high-quality evidence. Three other papers discussed the role of remdesivir, and five studies discussed the role of chloroquine in these patients which showed some positive effects however its safety profile is not clear. Table 1 shows the studies included.