Conclusions The research was oriented to identify clinical features, pathological and radiological findings, and possible treatment options of COVID-19. The majority of the patients experience fever, cough, shortness of breath, and myalgia whereas some may develop pneumonia and ARDS. Frequently seen radiological and pathological findings are bilateral ground-glass opacities in peripheries of lungs, consolidations, crazy paving pattern, air bronchogram sign, diffuse alveolar damage, fibrinous exudates in bronchi, formation of hyaline membrane, inflammatory cells infiltration, and metaplastic change in the alveolar epithelium. There is no definitive treatment, but the role of antivirals like remdesivir and lopinavir, azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine, and passive immunization like convalascent plasma is being researched. Currently, the focus is on the prevention of disease by practicing social distancing until a vaccine is developed. There is a great need for more work on vaccine development and educating the medical community and the public. Strict protocols are needed in the future to prevent such crises.