Pathological Findings: A study conducted by Luo W, et al. based on the autopsy findings of the patient who died of COVID-19. On gross examination of the lungs, the surface appears diffusely congested, hemorrhagic necrosis was evident and was more marked in the outer regions of the lungs. Mucinous and hemorrhagic exudates were present in the bronchi. On histopathology, extensive pulmonary interstitial fibrosis with hyaline degeneration was evident. There were signs of a hemorrhagic infarct. Small vessels showed severe congestion, thickening of walls and occlusion or stenosis of the blood vessel; lumen and microthrombi were present in the vessels. Focal infiltration of lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages was marked. There was marked necrosis of bronchial walls. Mainly type 2 pneumocytes were affected, and various metaplastic changes of epithelium were observed. Multinucleated giant cells and intracytoplasmic viral inclusions were also observed [22]. Another study conducted by Xu Z et al. based on the biopsy samples taken from the deceased COVID-19 patient showed diffuse alveolar damage bilaterally with cellular fibromyxoid exudates. There was the formation of the hyaline membrane and interstitial infiltration of inflammatory cells. Pneumocytes were atypically enlarged, having large nuclei, granular cytoplasm, and prominent nucleoli showing the viral cytopathic change [18]. Another study conducted by Zhang H et al. based on the biopsy findings of deceased COVID-19 patients showed diffuse alveolar damage and type 2 pneumocyte hyperplasia. Fibrinous exudates were seen in the alveoli, and interstitial fibrosis was evident. Interstitial infiltration of inflammatory cells was also observed [23]. Based on the studies reviewed, on gross examination, lungs were markedly congested, and hemorrhagic necrosis was seen, and several exudates were present in bronchi. On the other hand, characteristic histopathological findings were severe pulmonary interstitial fibrosis, hemorrhagic infarction. Small vessels were mainly affected, and they showed signs of congestion and were occluded by microthrombi. Type 2 pneumocytes were the primary cells that affected their nuclei were atypically enlarged, and nucleoli were prominent. Metaplastic change in the epithelium was seen. Infiltration of inflammatory cells i-e lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages were marked, showing a severe inflammatory reaction. Multinucleated giant cells were also seen, and some studies also suggested the presence of intracytoplasmic viral inclusions.