Safety and immunity of Covid‐19 aAPC vaccine Biological: pathogen‐specific aAPC China/Covid‐19 infection 100, all, 6 months to 80 years Treat and Prevent Covid‐19 Infection Experimental: the subjects will receive three injections of 5×10^6 each Covid‐19/aAPC vaccine via subcutaneous injections I Primary (0–28 day): frequency of vaccine events, frequency of serious vaccine events, proportion of subjects with positive T cell response Secondary (0–28 day): mortality, duration of mechanical ventilation if applicable, proportion of patients in each category of the 7‐point scale (7, 14, and 28 days after randomization), proportion of patients with normalized inflammation factors (7 and 14 days after randomization), clinical improvement based on the 7‐point scale if applicable, lower Murray lung injury score if applicable (7 days after randomization) NCT04299724/Recruiting, Feb15‐Dec31 2020–2024