Han et al. (2020) Case study/People's Hospital in Wuwei A 47‐year‐old man/smoking for 20 years/no alcohol abuse RT‐PCR, CT Nasopharyngeal swab specimens Confirmed SARS‐CoV‐2/returned to Wuwei city on January 18 from Wuhan city by car Blood: decreased lymphocytes, increased CRP, slightly elevated fibrinogen, neutrophil, LDH, and fibrinogen PCR: positive for expression of RdRPN, N and E genes CT: multiple patchy high‐density shadows scattered mainly in the border regions of lungs, solid changes, GGO changes, slightly thickened pleura Fever, cough productive of white phlegm, bosom frowsty, stuffy/runny noses, vertigo, fatigue, chest tightness, nausea, expiratory dyspnea, poor diet, lethargy/hypertension grade 2 and T2D – – Therapy: combination therapy including: Lopinavir/Ritonavir (800/200 mg daily), methylprednisolone (40 mg daily), recombinant human interferon α‐2b (10 million IU daily), ambroxol hydrochloride (60 mg daily) moxifloxacin hydrochloride (0.4 g daily), high flow humidification oxygen inhalation therapy, treatment of blood glucose, blood pressure, and rehydration therapy Results interpretation: the persistent negative results of SARS‐CoV‐2 on days 6 and 7, normal TLC, lung lesions partially absorbed, The patient discharged. Laboratory tests like TLC are necessary, CT combined with RT‐PCR is helpful, Lopinavir/Ritonavir are effective after failure of methylprednisolone/interferon alfa‐2b