Chen et al. (2020) China Retrospective/Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 9/26–34/female Clinical records, laboratory results, CT scans Amniotic fluid, cord blood, and neonatal throat swab, breastmilk samples Pregnant women with laboratory‐confirmed COVID‐19 pneumonia and caesarean section in their third trimester/a history of epidemiological exposure to COVID‐19 Blood: lymphopenia: N = 5, elevated CRP: N = 6, increased ALT and AST: N = 3, normal WBC count: N = 7, lower WBC: N = 1. Nine mothers: none developed severe COVID‐19 pneumonia or dying as of Feb4. Six mothers: amniotic fluid, cord blood, neonatal throat swab, and breastmilk: negative for COVID‐19. Nine livebirths: with 1‐min Apgar score of 8–9 and a 5‐min Apgar score of 9–10, No neonatal asphyxia. CT: multiple patchy ground‐glass shadows: N=8 Fever: N = 7, cough N = 4, myalgia N = 3, sore throat: N = 2, malaise: N = 2, fetal distress: N = 2/gestational hypertension: N = 1, pre‐eclampsia: N = 1, influenza virus infection: N = 1 Short None Therapy: oxygen support (nasal cannula) and empirical antibiotic treatment: N = 9, antiviral therapy: N = 6 Interpretation: no evidence for intrauterine infection caused by vertical transmission in late pregnancy