Fan et al. (2020), China Retrospective, case series/Chongqing University Three Gorges Hospital 51/45/32 (62.7%) men Laboratory test, CT Blood Confirmed COVID‐19: patients had been to Wuhan: 43 (84.3%), contact history of COVID‐19 patients: 4 (7.7%), no clear contact history:4 (7.7%) Spectrum of disease: nonsevere patients: n = 44, severe patients: 7 (13.7%) Blood: lymphopenia: 26 (51.0%), elevated CRP: 32 (62.7%). CT: GGO: 41 [80.4%], local consolidation of pneumonia: 17 [33.3%], pleural thickening: 20 (39.2%), small amount of pleural effusion: 7 (13.7%), streak shadow of lung: 8 (15.7%), multiple solid nodular shadow: 4 (7.8%), air bronchogram: 2 (3.9%), single lobe lesions: 2 (3.9%), multiple lobe lesions: 49 (96.1%) Fever: 43 [84.3%], cough: 38 [74.5%], dry cough with expectoration: 16 (31.4%), fatigue: 22 [43.1%], asthenia: 22 (43.1%), dyspnea: 11/DM: 4 [57.1%] 2–5 days 1 Therapy: TCM decoction: 28 [54.9%], aerosol inhalation of recombinant human Interferon a‐1b: 51 (100%), Lopinavir/Ritonavir: 51 [100%], Bacillus licheniformis capsules: 44 [86.3%], glucocorticoid treatment: 10 (19.6%) Older patients with server COVID‐19 (N = 7) Antibiotic treatment: 7 [100%], nutritional diet: 6 [85.7%), human albumin infusion: 4 (57.1%), immunoglobulin treatment: 4 (57.1%), mechanical ventilation: 6 [85.7%] Results and interpretation: discharged 50 patients after 12 days, without the common clinical symptoms, with the significant increased lymphocyte (p = .008) and significant decreased CRP significantly (p < .001)