Spectrum of disease: mild: 21 (43.7%), severe 10 (20.8%), critically ill 17 (35.4%). Blood: low/lower lymphocytes: severe and critically ill, higher neutrophils: critically ill, higher PCT: critically ill. Parameters stand for the organ dysfunction; TnT, AST, ALT, CRE, and BUN: higher in critically ill patients. PCR: positive RNAaemia: (a) serum: 5 (10.4%) of critically ill, (b) throat‐swab: 48 positive. IL‐6: value ≥100: 35.3% in critically ill, 10‐folds higher IL‐6 (cytokine storm): critically ill, RNAaemia positive: IL‐6 ≥100 (R = 0.902)