Patient Clinical findings CT (imaging findings of pneumonia) Organ damage Mild Negative None None No dyspnea, with or without cough, fever <38°C (quelled without treatment) No history of chronic respiratory disease Moderate dyspnea, with or without cough Multifocal patchy GGOs with subpleural distribution None SpO2 >93% without oxygen inhalation Severe Fever Diffuse heterogeneous consolidation with GGO, None Muscle ache Rapid progression (>50%) on CT imaging within 24–48 hr Headache Confusion Respiratory distress: RR ≥ 30 times/min SpO2 < 93% at rest PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 300 mmHg Critical Shock “Extra pulmonary” organ failure or MODS Respiratory failure need mechanical assistance Intensive care unit is needed