It has long been known that the traditional circulation‐based delivery of therapeutic agents is not as effect, prompting pharmaceutical industries to develop novel platforms for delivery of molecules to hard‐to‐reach tissues in human body. Conjugation of antiviral agents, particularly nucleoside analogs, with specific nanoparticles has proved to be effectual in treatment of resistant HIV infection (Agarwal, Chhikara, Doncel, & Parang, 2017; Agarwal, Chhikara, Quiterio, Doncel, & Parang, 2012). Today, an appreciable number of drug delivery platforms based on nanotechnology are available that can be experimentally used with custom therapeutic formulations for treatment of COVID‐19 (Chhikara & Varma, 2019) in hopes of shortening the course of the disease (Chhikara et al., 2020).