As of February 2020, the highest number of reports of influenza virus infections in swine in a country were documented in the United States (n = 40) followed by China (n = 39) and Canada (n = 24). The highest number of IAV positive swine samples were reported in the United States (36128/200384) followed by China (5031/90760). One of the factors behind the higher number of IAV cases in swine in the United States compared to China would be related to the disease symptoms. A majority of the North American swine samples that were screened for the IAV infections had either mild or severe symptoms of influenza-like illness which would have made it visually easier to identify IAV infected swine in the United States. On the contrary, a smaller number of Chinese swine exhibited influenza-like disease symptoms while a large proportion of the Chinese swine population appeared to have sub-clinical infections with no symptoms. This would have made it difficult for identifying the influenza virus infected swine during surveillances in China.