3.2.17. Kazakhstan One recent investigation in Kazakhstan during 2017–2018 identified nine H1N1 and eight H3N2 viruses in human while seven H1N1 and four H3N2 viruses were identified in swine. Interestingly, 10 of the human samples were also positive for IBV infection while the swine samples were negative for IBV [174]. In summary, the influenza viruses have been reported in swine in 16 Asian countries including China, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Taiwan, India, Bhutan, Russia, Laos, Malaysia, Lebanon, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Sri Lanka (Figure 4B). Apart from the most common IAV strains of H1N1, H1N2, H3N2, and A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses, several avian-origin H5N1, H5N3, H4N1, H4N6, H4N8, H6N6, H7N9, H9N2, and H10N5 influenza viruses were also reported in Chinese swine. Horse to swine transmission of equine influenza virus H3N8 was reported in China. Additionally, avian-origin H7N2, H5N2 viruses were identified in South Korean swine while H5N1 was reported in Indonesian swine. Interestingly, after the swine were fed upon dead poultry carcasses in Lebanon the H9N2 virus was detected in Lebanese swine. The IBV was reported in Asian swine only in Taiwan while strains of ICV were reported in swine in China and Japan while IDV was recently reported in Chinese swine (Table 1).