Table 1 One letter amino acid codes and sialic acid site binding region measures discussed in the text. One letter code Amino acid Conservative replacements Preliminary sialic acid binding amino acid score SABS (see Results) SABR-P prediction method refined parameters (see Results) A alanine A, E, S, T 1 1 C cysteine/cystine S, T, V 1 1 D aspartic acid E 1 1 E glutamic acid A, D 0 0 F phenylalanine M, W, Y 1 2 G glycine N, P 1 1 H histidine K, R 1 2 I isoleucine L, V 0 0 K lysine H, R 0 0 L leucine I, V 0 0 M methionine F, W, Y 0 0 N asparagine G, D, Q 1 1 P proline G 0 0 Q glutamine N, E 0 0 R arginine H, K 0 0 S serine A, T 1 1 T threonine A, I, S 1 1 V valine A, I, L 0 0 W tryptophan F, M, Y 2 4 Y tyrosine F. M, W 1 2