We found that a subset of patients actually preferred telepsychology services to the in‐person visits we had only formerly offered. That meant we were able to reach patients who had previously declined services because of transportation issues. One partner clinic, in particular, focuses on high utilizing patients who have a high number of chronic medical conditions (at least seven to qualify for the clinic). Our trainees at that clinic historically had trouble getting patients to come in for longer, behaviorally focused sessions, and no‐shows were common. After the shift to telepsychology, the number of appointments soared and no‐shows became a non‐issue. Similarly, another clinic where the physicians are very invested in making referrals to behavioral health saw an increase in the number of patients accepting referrals because the barriers became lower for attending these sessions. As a result of this lesson, we already plan greatly to increase our telepsychology offerings after the pandemic recedes. We have discussed how it is probably best to have the first session occur in person, where rapport can be built and assessment instruments can be easily filled out, and then offer to hold future session on the phone or videoconferencing.