Coronaviruses Receptor Role in human CoV disease Ocular surface (cell types) Lung SARS‐CoV SARS‐CoV‐2 ACE2 Host cell receptor and essential for infection + (conjunctival epithelium and fibroblasts; corneal epithelium) 31 + (airway epithelia)32, 33 TMPRSS2 Primes spike protein for binding to ACE2 – + (airway epithelium) 34 CD209 Cell‐to‐cell viral transfer + (corneal dendritic cells) 35 + (alveola macrophages) 36 MERS‐CoV CD26 Host cell receptor and essential for infection +/− (conjunctival vascular endothelium) 37 + (lung epithelia and endothelia) 38 CD66e Co‐receptor +/− (palpebral conjunctiva) 39 + (bronchial and alveolar epithelium) 32