Table 2 shows responses to the COVID-19 questions added to the MindSpot online assessment in March 2020. Although only a small number of users personally knew someone who had been infected by the virus, the majority (93.8%) in the COVID-19 sample were concerned about getting COVID-19, and 87.1% reported they had made changes in lifestyle or routines to avoid infection. In response to a question about changes they had made, as shown in Table 2, around half (47.9%) reported they were following recommended strategies including social distancing, self-isolation, and increased hygiene, and 18.5% reported changes associated with efforts to maintain resilience. Table 2 Response to COVID-19 specific questions. % (n) Have you or has anyone you know been diagnosed with COVID-19? No 97.1% (1030/1054) Yes, someone I know 2.8% (23/1054) Yes, myself 0.1% (1/1054) 

 Overall, how concerned are you about COVID-19? Extremely concerned 21.1% (310/1471) Moderately concerned 42.8% (630/1471) Slightly concerned 29.9% (440/1471) Not at all concerned 6.2% (91/1471) 

 Have you had to make any changes to help you to manage the impact of COVID-19? Significant changes 29.0% (425/1463) Moderate changes 34.2% (500/1463) Slight changes 23.9% (349/1463) No changes 12.9% (189/1463) 

 If you have made changes, what has been most helpful? Following practical and recommended measures (e.g., social distancing, increased hygiene) 47.9% (346/723) Practicing resilience (e.g., establishing new routines, goals and plans, self-care, decreasing use of social media and news sites) 18.5% (134/723) 

 What has been challenging? Financial insecurity, including difficulties accessing groceries and essentials 12.4% (90/723) Compounding of pre-existing symptoms or Increased feelings of anxiety, stress or worry 11.5% (83/723) Managing relationships within the home 4.6% (33/723)