HIV-1 Env is a prototypic viral class I fusion protein that exhibits extensive surface glycosylation, resulting in an effective glycan shield to aid evasion from the host adaptive immune response21,31. In order to visualize the structure of the respective glycan “shields” of HIV-1 and SARS coronavirus we used single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The results for HIV-1 Env were reproduced directly from Berndsen et al.51 while the previously published SARS 2P dataset52 was reprocessed for this study. Although cryo-EM datasets of fully glycosylated MERS S41 and chimpanzee simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVcpz)53 are also available, only the HIV and SARS data were of sufficient quality (Fig. 5). We recently showed51 that dynamics in surface exposed glycans HIV-1 Env leads to an extensive network of interactions that drive higher-order structuring in the glycan shield. This structure defines diffuse boundaries between buried and exposed surface protein surface, which can serve to define potential sites of vulnerability. Cryo-EM captures the ensemble-average structure of biomolecules and therefore glycan dynamics results in blurred density at the resolutions necessary for building atomic structure. However, we showed how a simple combination of low-pass filtering and auto-thresholding, as well as 3D variability analysis, can reveal the previously hidden structure of the SARS glycan shield and compare it with the HIV-1 Env glycan shield51 (Fig. 5). We observe the nearly all-encompassing glycan density on HIV-1 Env and evidence for extensive glycan–glycan interactions, especially in the oligomannose patch regions, whereas the glycans on SARS S appear more isolated and lack the wide-ranging glycan networks that are the hallmark of an effective glycan shield54,55. The 3D variability maps are more sensitive to low intensity signal and reveal additional glycan–glycan interactions in both maps, however the S1 receptor-binding domains in the SARS dataset were shown to exist in both up and down conformations52, leading to poor resolution and significant 2D-variability which is convolved with the variability coming from glycans and limits the interpretability of glycan shielding effects in this region of the map. Fig. 5 Comparative cryo-EM analysis of SARS S and HIV-1 Env glycan shields. a Left panel: Sharpened 3.2-Å-resolution C3-symmetric cryo-EM map of SARS S 2P ectodomain52 visualized at a high contour level with disordered S1 receptor-binding and N-terminal domains extending out from the central core. Middle panel: Low-pass filtered (lpf) cryo-EM map of the glycoprotein visualised at a low contour level along with a simulated peptide-only map overlaid. Right panel: SPARX 3D variability map51. b Same as in (a) but for HIV-1 Env BG505 SOSIP.664 construct in complex with three copies of RM20A3 base-specific Fabs51.