Next, using a publicly available resource ( that hosts genomic and transcriptomic data from cells or tissues treated with IFN, we queried ACE2 expression within human and mouse cells, searching for datasets with a log2-fold-change of >1 or < −1 compared with untreated samples, including all IFN types (Rusinova et al., 2013). We recovered 21 datasets spanning 8 distinct primary tissues or cell lines with non-trivial changes in ACE2 expression after both type I and type II IFN treatment (Figure S4 A). We observed substantial upregulation of ACE2 in primary skin and primary bronchial cells treated with either type I or type II IFN (> 5-fold upregulation compared with that in untreated cells), in strong support of our in vitro data (Figures 5C, 5D, 5G–5L, and S3D–S3F). Immune cell types, such as CD4 T cells and macrophages, were noticeably absent from datasets with a significant change in ACE2 expression after IFN stimulation or were even found to downregulate ACE2 (e.g., primary CD4 T cells + type I IFN) (Figure S4A, and in our analysis of scRNA-seq peripheral blood mononuclear cell data from Butler et al., (2018); data not shown). Figure S4 Published Studies of Epithelial Cells Following Interferon Treatment Related to Figure 5 (A). Fold change of ACE2 expression among human or mouse datasets following Type I or Type II interferon treatment compared to untreated control. Generated from publicly available microarray data curated at Includes all studies with abs(fold-change) > 1. (B). Location of transcription factors binding regions spanning −1500 bp to +500 bp from the transcription start site of ACE2 (human, top) or Ace2 (mouse, bottom). Generated from TRANSFAC data using the database (Matys et al., 2003, Rusinova et al., 2013).